Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.

As a school teacher but not yet a parent, I feel somewhat responsible for the teaching of little minds. I know I am only with them for half the day and then they are returned back to their parents, but I see them in situations their parents never do and truth be told, I actually … Continue reading Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.

The pain of self discipline is so much better than the pain of regret.

I just read this quote and after struggling with what on Earth to write about recently, I knew I had to reflect on this. Whenever I think about self disciplined people I think of those who are health freaks, those who take care of their bodies to the maximum or perhaps religious people (not necessarily … Continue reading The pain of self discipline is so much better than the pain of regret.

Everything you are going through is preparing you for everything you asked for.

If there's one thing I have learned recently is that no two days are the same, yet they are also somehow identical. Is this my hormonal brain talking or do I have a point? Actually, I'm not sure but what I am trying to say is that although your bedroom around you looks the same... … Continue reading Everything you are going through is preparing you for everything you asked for.

You can be smart and still be ignorant as hell.

nMany times we have heard others criticize Islam (both Muslims & non Muslims) and say Islam is too STRICT, too BARBARIC, too MUCH and too EXTREME. But very rarely have I heard someone disbelieve in Islam because it is TOO LENIANT – until today. I was reading a story (on Facebook) about a prostitute who … Continue reading You can be smart and still be ignorant as hell.